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The Reclusive Duke Page 16

  He couldn't see her face inside the wide brim of her bonnet and he wasn't sure if she was furious or distressed by his sudden appearance. She certainly wasn't pleased, that was quite clear.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Lydia blinked back her tears. She should have realised he wouldn't let her achieve her dream but squash any hope she had of finding herself a publisher. Then her heart sunk to her boots when she recalled she had left home without telling Viola that she intended to return.

  She twisted on the squabs and looked at him more closely. His face was pale, there were dark lines on either side of his nose, he looked as if he'd not slept for weeks which couldn't be the case.

  As he had told her not to discuss anything until they reached his town house she just handed him the note she should have left for Viola. He took it and then became more alert when he saw to whom it was addressed. He broke the seal and read it. By the end he looked more like himself and smiled at her in such a way she could not help but respond.

  'You are a ninny, my darling, I should have realised you hadn't run away. I should have told you that I love you, that I shall be bereft without you at my side, but for some reason I quite forgot to say this when I proposed to you in that maladroit fashion.'

  'You love me? I had no idea. I don't know what to say.'

  'Then say nothing, sweetheart, until we are home.'

  She settled back into her corner, averting her face so he couldn't watch her expression. Did his being in love with her make any difference? She was sure she didn't reciprocate, that her feelings were physical rather than emotional. She was not, of course, experienced in the matters of love of any sort, but being an author had caused her to study this subject in depth in other people's literary works and she considered herself an expert on the subject.

  She was roused from her slumber when the duke shook her none too gently by the shoulder. 'We are here, Lydia, and I've no intention of carrying you in so you had better wake up right away.'

  Hardly a loving comment but it was sufficient to clear her head and get her ready to climb down from the hired vehicle.

  The front door was opened as if by magic and she was bowed and curtsied into the enormous entrance hall. She wasn't allowed to examine her surroundings, but was hustled down numerous passageways and into the study. This was the second time she had been taken to his special chamber – she supposed he could be sure that he wouldn't be disturbed by his staff when he was there.

  He closed the door with a snap behind them. 'Sit over there, Lydia, we have much to talk about.'

  She did as she was told and folded her hands in her lap like a schoolgirl waiting to be castigated by an irate parent. He picked up a chair one-handed and spun it round so he could straddle it and fold his arms along the chair back.

  'I wish to tell you that the publisher, Carberry & Sons, want to publish your novel. They just need to know if you intend to use a pseudonym or publish … publish under your own name. I didn't discuss what your advance would be, that is something you must ascertain for yourself when you return there to sign the contract.'

  'I had intended to publish as Lydia Sinclair but perhaps I should reconsider. What are your opinions on the matter?'

  'You already know them, sweetheart. I would prefer you not to publish at all – but if it is important to you then I will support you, whatever you decide.'

  She looked up and saw nothing but love in his eyes. Something she didn't recognise stirred inside her. 'And if I was your wife, would you allow me to continue writing under this name?'

  'If you would agree to marry me, my darling, then I should be prepared to dance naked around Grosvenor Square. Allowing you to continue to write under your maiden name will be of no importance to me.'

  'Then I shall hold you to that, your grace. I will marry you if you will fulfil your promise.' She was trying to repress her giggles but not succeeding very well.

  To her mortification and astonishment he sprung to his feet and started to remove his clothes as if they were on fire. 'No, please do not. I didn't mean…'

  He was now down to his shirt and breeches and about to remove his boots and stockings. He paused and looked at her. 'I'm a man of my word, darling, and I shall hold you to yours when this is done.'

  Without conscious thought, she was on her feet and had moved across to him. 'Please, there's no need to continue this. I will marry you. I've no wish for you to humiliate yourself on my behalf.'

  Slowly he replaced his foot on the floor and stood up so he was towering above her. 'I think you understand how I feel about you, sweetheart, I would do anything for you – I would die for you if needs be. I would much prefer it if you loved me too, but will take you on whatever terms you're prepared to offer.'

  His eyes were sad and her heart went out to him. 'We are like chalk and cheese, Everett, but I think we will make a splendid couple. I don't know exactly what love is – but if it's knowing I could not spend my life without you at my side, knowing that if anything happened to you my life would be over too, then I believe I must be in love with you.'

  There was a strange sound, almost like a growl, and then she was enveloped in his arms.

  'If you have no objection, I shall apply for a special licence whilst we're in Town. I doubt that I can wait until our wedding night unless it's very soon.'

  'If any of your staff were to see us as we are then both our good names would be gone.'

  'Then I had better get dressed again as your maid will be here soon with your things. Also, my valet and your trunk should be arriving as well.'

  She hastily turned her back, not wishing to watch him in his disarray. The thought of how much more she would see of him when they were wed made her hot all over.

  'You can turn around now, sweetheart, I am decent again.'

  She did so and was immediately swept into an embrace for a second time. After a delightful few minutes he released her. 'A few months ago I was a miserable cripple hiding away in my home. Now look at me. I'm affianced to the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and have four wonderful children in my family.'

  'What about this Mr Castleford? Can he still remove the children from our care?'

  'Absolutely not. Digby will have the legal papers soon and then they become my wards.'

  'Please don't apply for a special licence, I would much prefer to be married in your church with the children present. If the banns are called as soon as we return, we will only have to wait three weeks. I shall remain at the Dower House for the interim as planned and that way we will not be tempted to do anything we shouldn't.'

  'You will do no such thing, you are moving in with me and I'll not be gainsaid on this.'

  There was a steely look in his eyes so she decided to accept his dictum and pray they would not be tempted to pre-empt their wedding night.

  The following morning her dearest Everett accompanied her to see Mr Carberry. The contract was signed and her first novel would be published in three volumes the following spring. The nom de plume she had decided upon was 'Miss Ellen Bell'.

  On the way back to Grosvenor Square they sat together on the squabs. 'You could have used your own name, sweetheart, I would not have minded.'

  'I know you wouldn't, which is why I chose not to. I hope you will still be as accommodating once we are wed, my love, as I have a second book to complete before next summer.'

  'I have yet to read your first one. Will you allow me to read the one you are writing now?'

  She smiled. 'You will find that the hero bears a strong resemblance to yourself and the heroine to me.'

  'Then I am even more determined to read it. Will you have time to prepare your bride clothes in three weeks?'

  'Good heavens, I need no new clothes. There is no obstacle to our nuptials, my love, apart from the banns being read.'

  She snuggled down against his shoulder and his arm tightened around her waist. 'Where do you want to go for your bride trip, darling?'

  'Nowhere, anywhere, I don't care as lon
g as we are together for every single minute.'

  He lowered his head so his warm breath tickled her ear and whispered. 'As I intend to keep you in my bed both day and night making love to you then it matters not to me where we are.'

  She sat up so sharply the top of her head hit his chin causing him to bite his tongue and turn the air blue with his foul language.

  'I refuse to remain in bed doing that in the same house as my nieces and nephews. We must go somewhere else for our honeymoon.'

  He wiped the blood from his mouth and smiled ruefully. 'Then we shall go to a small estate I have in Kent, it's near the sea, and quite isolated. We will not be observed or disturbed there.'

  The carriage rolled to smooth halt outside the house and two footmen were waiting to lower the steps and open the door. The staff already knew that she was to be the new duchess and treated her with unnerving deference. This was something she was going to have to become accustomed to.

  When she returned to Hemingford Court it was to discover the move had taken place in her absence. Her belongings had been unpacked in a pretty apartment on the opposite side of the house to her future husband.

  The vicar was to read the first banns that Sunday and the wedding breakfast was already being arranged.

  After greeting the children and Viola she joined him on the terrace. 'I am so happy, my love, that I feel as if I might rise from the ground and float away.'

  'As am I, my darling. We have both had a miserable time of it over the past few years, but now our time has come.' He drew her down beside him on the padded settle that had been brought out. 'You think you are happy now, sweetheart, but believe me I shall make you even happier once we can share a bed.'

  She stretched up and kissed him. 'I shall hold you to that promise.'

  As a gentleman of his word, when their wedding night came, he did not disappoint.


  If you enjoyed this Regency romp I should be delighted if you could find the time to write a short review on Amazon.

  Thank you

  Fenella J Miller

  The Duke's Alliance Series

  An Accommodating Husband ( (

  An Unconventional Bride ( (

  A Dangerous Husband ( (

  A Suitable Bride ( (

  Regency Romantic Adventures

  Search for a Duke (

  A Most Unusual Christmas ( (

  Miss Peterson & The Colonel ( (

  Christmas at Castle Elrick ( (

  Lady Emma’s Revenge ( (

  Lord Ilchester’s Inheritance ( (

  Christmas at Hartford Hall ( (

  Lord Orpington’s Wager ( (

  The Duke & The Vicar’s Daughter ( (

  The Duke’s Heir ( (

  The Duke’s Reluctant Bride ( (

  Lord Denver’s Choice ( (

  Lord Rivenhall Returns ( (

  The Duke’s Proposal ( (

  A Chance Encounter ( (

  A Very Unusual Governess ( (

  A Marriage of Convenience. ( (

  Bride for a Duke ( (

  The Duke’s Challenge (

  The Duke’s Reform ( (

  Jane Austen Variations

  A Spy at Pemberley ( (

  A Scandal at Pemberley ( (

  The Ghosts at Pemberley ( (

  Miss Bennet & Mr Bingley ( (