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The Duke's Ward (The Reluctant Duke Book 1) Page 3

  'We expected you last month, your grace. We moved to the Dower House in December so you will have to reside with us until the staff return and the house can be reopened for you.'

  'Then lead the way. This is my man, Riley, he is more a companion than servant and will require accommodation fitting to his status. I am Major Richard Sinclair and he is my Sergeant Major. I won't be referred to in any other way. Is that quite clear?'

  'You are the head of the family – the Duke of Denchester – you can hardly expect the staff to refer to you as Major Sinclair. As you are a very distant cousin, then my mother, sisters and I can refer to you as Cousin Richard.'

  His lips thinned and his eyes bored into hers. He wasn't pleased by her reply. She refused to be browbeaten by a gentleman, if one could call him that at the moment, who had no idea how things were done in the aristocracy. She straightened her shoulders and glared right back.

  Her intention had been to say something pithy, put him firmly in his place, but instead she said something else entirely. 'We could be siblings, Cousin Richard, you're the mirror image of my father. It will be pleasant not to be the only one with nut-brown curls and pale green eyes. Mama and my siblings have corn-coloured hair and bright blue eyes.'

  His smile made him almost handsome and heartbreakingly similar to the father she had loved and lost so recently. 'I own I was somewhat startled when I saw you. I thought to treat you as strangers, not relatives, but how can I do so when we're so alike?'

  'You are our legal guardian whether you like it or not. Follow me, the Dower House is a few hundred yards from here.'

  In two strides he was beside her and his expression was no longer friendly. 'In which case, young lady, I suggest you desist from giving me orders. I hadn't intended to remain here long but I'm beginning to suspect I'll not shake free of my responsibilities so easily.'

  She was trying to breathe through her mouth as the pungent odour wafting from him was enough to make her gag. Despite her efforts to hide her disgust he laughed at her discomfort.

  'I've been travelling for weeks and not had the opportunity to bathe or change my raiment. I make no apologies for my disarray. I'm a military man through and through and have no time for fops and those gentlemen that think more of their appearance than the well-being of others in their care.'

  She moved away from him in the hope of breathing more easily but his strides were long and he kept pace with her. There was no doubt he was doing it deliberately to aggravate her. One thing was certain, she must keep him away from her mother until he was more fragrant.


  Richard was enjoying her discomfort. He certainly smelt rank – but who would not – in his circumstances. He did regret that at their first meeting he was so malodorous and also that he had not brought more than a change of shirt and stockings.

  No doubt there would be servants to sponge clean and press his uniform but what he was to wear until that was accomplished, he'd no notion. Taking pity on her he dropped back in order to speak to Riley.

  'The wretched girl is right. I can hardly expect the staff to ignore my elevation. In future I suppose you must also refer to me as "your grace".'

  'If you looks so like the old duke maybe there's raiment of his that will fit you until you can get something made for you.'

  He'd been about to deny the necessity of this but then understood he was now trapped. He would have to resign his commission and allow Riley to return to duty. He would miss him. He was as much a friend as anything else.

  'I must accept the inevitable. I shall give back my colours. Remain here until you're fully recovered from the journey, but then you must return to London and hand my resignation in for me.' He gripped his sergeant's arm. 'The worst of it is that I'll lose you. I've become accustomed to your presence these past years. I wish you could remain at my side in some capacity.'

  Riley grinned. 'I reckon if you wants me, your grace, I'd be happy to stay. I've done me time and was about to enlist for another five years.'

  'Good God, man, that's the best news I've had in weeks. I'm like a fish out of water here and will appreciate having you close by.'

  'It were a rare sight to see you and the lady side by side. You're like brother and sister. You'll fit in here no trouble. I wish I could say the same for me.'

  'From now on you shall be my man of affairs. Don't look so apprehensive, no one will gainsay me. I've been leading my men for a decade. I hardly anticipate any difficulties running a household of women and servants.'

  'If you'll give me leave, your grace, I'll go in the back way. Not fitting that I accompany you through the front.'

  His man was carrying both bags and he reached out to take his own. Riley shook his head. 'I'll act as your valet for now, sir, and get this lot pressed whilst you get cleaned up.'

  'Get yourself a bath before you come to me. We both stink to high heaven and we wouldn't want to cause offence with these fine ladies, now would we?'

  Amanda had hurried ahead and was almost out of sight. It would hardly be dignified for a man in his position to run after her but he did so anyway. He was fit and covered the distance in seconds arriving at her side before she reached the front steps. Her expression of distaste made the effort worthwhile. He was going to enjoy teasing her. It was far too long since he'd had any feminine company.

  He stopped so suddenly his toes were crushed at the end of his boots. God's teeth! She was his ward, not someone he should flirt with. He'd no idea of her age although he suspected the clerk had told him.

  Once she was safely through the door he followed. He had half-expected to find the modest hallway filled with bowing servants and was relieved to find it empty apart from a young footman.

  'If you would care to come with me, your grace, your apartment has been made ready for you and everything you require is waiting.'

  Richard looked from side to side as he ascended the staircase. Everywhere he looked he saw replicas of himself. It was quite extraordinary how the unusual colouring had passed down through the generations on both sides of the family tree.

  He was ushered ceremoniously into a comfortable sitting room and from there to a decent bedchamber which also had a dressing room. In here had been set out a hip bath and the lemon-scented water steamed invitingly. There was also a smaller tub which was exactly what he wanted.

  Ignoring the young man, he stripped off, but did not step in. He was handed a cloth and a bar of sweet-smelling soap. He scrubbed himself from head to foot rinsing the grime off as he did so. When he was certain he was clean he lowered himself into the hip bath.

  For a large man like himself only his backside and torso could fit in – his legs and feet were obliged to remain on the floor in front. The first thing he would do was have one of the newfangled bathing rooms installed. He'd heard tell that there was a bathing tub made that could accommodate one's entire length. Being able to be fully immersed in hot water would almost be worth the inconvenience of being a duke.

  Chapter Four

  'Amanda, I can hardly credit that those disreputable gentlemen are in fact the duke and his manservant. Are you quite sure he's not an impostor?' Sarah asked.

  'I'm absolutely certain. He has no need to produce any papers as I accept wholeheartedly that he is the gentleman we've been waiting for these past two years. When you see him, you will know how I came so quickly to this decision.' Amanda had no intention of telling her sister that Cousin Richard was the image of their departed father. She wanted to see her face when they were introduced.

  'He has no luggage; how can he dress for dinner without it? Do you think it will arrive separately?'

  'He has been a soldier all his life, I doubt that he has anything apart from his regimentals to wear. I intend to send a letter by express to Weston's in Town instructing them to visit immediately and set in hand his new wardrobe.'

  'But the other person – he is so large and so rough looking.'

  'He is a sergeant major so must be an able soldier, I'm cert
ain he will appear less alarming once he's clean-shaven.'

  Her sister sighed. 'I'd always imagined that officers were handsome, romantic gentlemen but our new Cousin Richard is neither.'

  She looked away, hurt by the remark. If her dearest sister considered Richard unattractive then she must believe the same to have been true for their dear departed papa and herself, as they were of identical looks and colouring.

  'Mind you,' Sarah continued unaware that her thoughtless words had cut deep, 'I didn't really see their faces so am being rather premature in my judgement. They are both very large gentlemen which is a good thing. I cannot abide a short man, can you?'

  Amanda smiled, relieved that she had, not for the first time, jumped to the wrong conclusion. She was oversensitive about her lack of looks in comparison to the rest of her family, and must try harder not to be so silly. Having such lovely sisters was, however, a constant reminder of what she lacked.

  'For me, it would mean looking at the top of his head. I must write that letter and get it taken to the village right away.'

  As she was hurrying to the study to complete this task another thing occurred to her. She spoke to one of the footmen and set this in motion before continuing. How long would it take her new cousin to complete his ablutions? Papa had been somewhat careless of his appearance, much to her mother's annoyance, and rarely spent more than half an hour with his valet.

  The door to the study was open so that when she rang the little brass bell on her desk it could be heard quite clearly as far away as the entrance hall. She must send a message to her mother informing her that the wait was over and that their fortunes were restored. No doubt the new duke would wish to reside in his ancestral home but she was determined that they would remain where they were as it was so much more manageable and far more comfortable than the vast, draughty, old-fashioned Hall.

  Once the necessary letters were written and dispatched, she went in search of her younger sister. She hoped Beth hadn't been too upset by the encounter with what she had thought were unwanted intruders.

  'Beth, has your sister come up to the nursery to speak to you?'

  'She has, Amanda. Does that mean we have to move back to that horrible old Hall? I like it here so much better.'

  'As do I, sweetheart. As far as I'm concerned Cousin Richard must move to the Hall and we shall remain here in comfort.'

  Nanny, who looked after the needs of her youngest sibling, nodded happily. 'I'm relieved to hear you say so, my lady, it's ever so warm and pleasant here. Lady Beth has been more settled in this nursery than she ever was at the Hall.'

  Amanda moved away from her sister so she could not be overheard and the elderly lady, who had been in the family for decades, followed her.

  'Nanny, I would like you to keep Beth up here for the moment. Until I have explained the circumstances to his grace, I have no wish for there to be any misunderstandings.'

  'Lady Sarah will wish to have her come out now – does that mean you'll be opening up the London house? It might be easier for Lady Beth to remain here with me.'

  'I haven't given the matter any thought, but now that you mention it, we can hardly delay her debut any longer. Lady Sarah will be overjoyed to spend a few months in Town but I'll remain here.'

  They parted in full agreement. There was no suggestion that she should accompany Sarah. A plain young lady with a limp, however rich and well bred, would not be sought after by the entitled aristocrats looking for a suitable bride. Her role was to take care of her little sister who would never be able to have a home or family of her own.

  Her duties attended to for the moment she was in sore need of some fresh air. She paused long enough to snatch up her cloak and made her way through the house and out into the garden. The sun was still out, although there was no warmth in it at this time of year, and there were daffodils and snowdrops to be admired in the garden.


  When the water got cold Richard stepped out of the bath and enveloped himself in a large bath sheet. Then, still dripping, walked into his bedchamber. The fire was roaring in the grate, the room unpleasantly hot. After years in the army he had no time for overheated rooms and much preferred the windows open however cold it was outside.

  He strode to the windows determined to fling them open. The house was of relatively modern construction, probably built in the last fifty years, unlike the Hall which had been around for centuries and was in dire need of modernisation.

  The first window moved up smoothly letting in a welcome blast of fresh air. The second proved more recalcitrant and in his struggle to push it open the towel around his hips slithered to the floor. Unbothered by this inconvenience he heaved and the damned thing shot up so fast only his quick reactions saved him from tumbling head first through it. His loud expletives echoed around the garden.

  As he pushed himself back to safety he looked up. To his horror he saw Amanda staring at him open-mouthed. He bowed and to his amusement she fled. He stepped back, so he was no longer visible, still laughing.

  'Your grace, Lady Amanda thought that these garments might be of use to you until you have others of your own.'

  The young man who was acting as his temporary valet pointed to an array of jackets, shirts and breeches spread out on the bed. He was about to refuse but something made him investigate further. He was taller and broader in the shoulders than most men. He was curious to know why the girl had thought these would be of any use to him.

  'To whom did they belong?' He addressed the young man who had had the sense not to offer him the towel to cover his nakedness.

  'Forgive me for saying so, your grace, but you are the very image of the last duke. These were his garments, Lady Amanda had them stored in the attic at the Hall and sent for them immediately you arrived.'

  'Before I attempt to try them, I need a shave. Also, cut my hair to a more suitable length.'

  This time he wrapped the towel back around his middle before he took his seat in front of the washstand. He preferred to shave himself and wondered how the young man would cope – he performed well. Richard stared into the glass scarcely recognising himself. He no longer looked like a vagabond – could almost be mistaken for a gentleman. The shorter hair style suited him and he decided he would keep it this way in future.

  He wasn't sure if he was annoyed or pleased by Amanda's interference in his affairs. There was nothing in the pile of clothes to offend his simple tastes. 'I've no interest in sartorial matters, I'll leave you to select whatever you think will do.'

  The shirt he was handed fitted him perfectly. The stockings were equally comfortable. He pulled on the unmentionables and they too were ideal. This was extraordinary indeed – not only did he have the colouring of his predecessor but it appeared he also had the same physical build.

  He was unsurprised that the dark blue jacket was a perfect fit. He suffered the annoyance of having his valet tie his stock.

  'Is there anything else you would like me to do for you, your grace?'

  'What's your name?'

  'James, your grace, at your service.'

  'Then you shall retain the position as my valet. Do you have something other than your footman's uniform to wear?'

  'I do, your grace. Thank you, I'll not let you down.' The young man backed away as if leaving the presence of royalty but Richard beckoned him back.

  'James, I stand on no ceremony. I might now hold the title of the Duke of Denchester, but I'm still a military man at heart. There's no need to bow and scrape, call me sir, not your grace when we're private. Wherever you are lodging at present, I need you close to me.'

  'I understand, sir, and will have my things moved to the box room across the hall.' He smiled tentatively as if not sure such a thing was acceptable. 'If you open the door and shout, I'll hear you well enough, sir.'

  'Excellent. I can see that we're going to get along famously. Will I do? I've no wish to scare the ladies a second time.'

  'You look every inch a duke, sir, if you don't mi
nd my saying so.'

  Richard slapped him on the back as he strolled past. He rather thought he not only looked the part but might well be mistaken for the son of the deceased, rather than a distant relative. It was a strange feeling to be a part of a family when for most of his life he'd been on his own.

  Before he went downstairs he thought he would explore the house as this was to be his home for the foreseeable future. There was no way on earth he was going to move into that huge place until it had been modernised. Perhaps it would be less expensive to raze it to the ground rather than tinker about trying to bring it up to scratch.

  There was a dozen or more doors on this floor so there must be more than enough bedchambers for everybody even if he remained on the premises. He had no intention of opening any doors so instead took the staircase that led to the second floor where he assumed the nursery and schoolroom would be situated.

  He frowned – would the Dower House have such things? That this had been built to house the dowager of some past duke so would mean that there would have been no necessity to provide chambers for children. It was more likely these rooms were for upper servants. He was about to turn back when he heard a young lady laughing and decided to investigate.

  He stepped into a wide corridor which ran the width of the house. Light flooded in from the windows at both ends making it a pleasant place to be. There was evidence that these were indeed rooms for children and their retainers. There was a magnificent rocking horse and also an impressive doll's house.

  The door from which the laughing had come was open. A beautiful young lady dashed out and skidded to a halt upon seeing him. Her eyes rounded and her hands flew to her mouth.

  'I beg your pardon, my lady, I'm the new duke, call me Cousin Richard.'

  An elderly lady in white apron and mob cap appeared beside her. She curtsied deeply. 'Your grace, this is Lady Elizabeth. She is the youngest daughter of the previous duke.'

  The girl recovered her composure and made an awkward curtsy. Her smile was tentative but she seemed less apprehensive now. 'You look just like my papa. Your hair's the same colour as my sister Amanda's. I have hair like my mama and my other sister, Sarah.'